Android Certification

Android Certification Batches with Practical Project Internship Vacation & Regular BATCHES- By Kamal Sir

Lecture Organization: 36 hours (12 lectures of 3 hours= (1 hr Theory and 2 hr Practical’s).

Practical’s: Every Lecture on your own laptop

Study Material: 2 books (totaling of more than 400 pages) + 1 DVD (Software & EBooks)


1) Certificate of Completion – for all students at the end of the course.

2) Certificate of Appreciation – for those who clear class test.

3) Letter of Internship – for those who submit the completed project.

Android Course Outline By Kamal Sir

Lecture 0 Java Basics

Java Features, Java Environment, I/O & Exception Handling,

CUI Application. JFrame, Layouts,

Listeners and Executable JAR files.

Lecture 1 Android Basics

Android History, Development & Names.

Android Code Names & Architecture. Apps Components.

Layouts - Relative and Linear,

Components - EditText, Button & Toast & Listener - OnClickListener.

Android Code and Build Process.

Event Handling using Java Anonymous Classes.

Lecture 2 Robust Programming

EditText Validation

Orientation Changes - onSaveInstanceState() and onRestoreInstanceState(). Lock the orientation

Exiting the App - onBackPressed() with AlertDialog.

Reading it out - TextToSpeech class,

System Information - BUILD class, TelephonyManager class, WindowManager class and ConnectivityManager class.

Lecture 3 Widgets Programming

Component - RadioGroup, RadioButton, CheckBox, RatingBar, Spinner & EditText.

Listener - OnCheckedChangedListener, OnRatingBarChangedListener, OnItemSelectedListener & OnClickListener.

Lecture 4 Intents

Explicit Intents

Sending Control - startActivity() and startActivityForResult()

Sending Data - putExtra() and Bundle

Getting Data - getXxxExtra() and Bundle.

Implicit Intents: Action, Data and Extras Intent Selection and Intent Filter Phone Call and Phone Dial, Weblink, SMS & Email.

Lecture 5 Advanced Widgets

SnackBar and FloatingActionButton

OverflowMenu / Context Menu - onCreateOptionsMenu() & onOptionsItemSelected()

Splash - ImageView, Threads & IntentFilters

Animations - alpha, rotate, translate and custom animations.

Lecture 6 Activity Life Cycle

Life cycle methods - onCreate(), onStart(), onResume(), onPause(), onStop(), onRestart() and onDestroy().

Simple Song Player - MediaPlayer : start(), stop() and pause()

LED Torch - Permissions, Camera and Camera.Parameters.

WallPaper App - Camera and WallPaper Manager.

Lecture 7 Storage

SharedPreferences - getSharedPreference(), SharedPreferences.Editor

Internal Storage - FileInputStream , FileOutputStream, InputStreamReader & BufferedReader

External Storage - Environment, File, FileInputStream and FileOutputStream

Asset Folder - ListView, ArrayAdapter, setOnItemClickListener

Lecture 8 SQLite

SQLiteOpenHelper - onCreate() and onUpgrade()

SQLiteDatabase - execSQL(), rawQuery(), insert(), update(), delete() & select().

Cursor - moveToFirst(), moveToNext(), getCount() & getString()

Database Operations using JDBC Style

Database Operations using Android Style

Lecture 9 Location

Google Maps - Opening location via name & via latitude and longitude.

GoogleAPIClient - Finding current latitude and longitude & location name. Geocoding, Reverse Geocoding.

SupportMapFragment - Integraing Map in Application:

Lecture 10 Content Providers & Broadcast Receives

ContentProvider, Content Resolver and ContentProvider URI.

Native Content Provider - CallLog, Contacts, MediaStore, etc

System Broadcasts, Creating Broadcast Receiver,

Registering Broadcast Receiver: via XML and Java.

Alarm Manager, Pending Intent.

Lecture 11 Networking

Checking the Network - ConnectivityManager & NetworkInfo.

Connecting to Remote Server - URL & HttpURLConnection.

Fetching Data - InputStreamReader & BufferedReader.

Doing in Background - AsynchTask

JSON Data - fetching and processing JSON Object and JSON Array.

Lecture 12 Project


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