JAVA 8 Certification

JAVA 8 OCJA & OCJP Certification Batches with Practical Project Internship Vacation & Regular BATCHES – by Kamal Sir

Lecture Organization: 60+ hours of Concepts, Coding & MCQs Exam.

Practical’s: 20+ hours of Practical on Laptop for Java Project.

Study Material: 4 books (800+ pg) & 1 DVD (Software, Exam Qts & EBooks)

Mock Test: Mock Exam after every 8 to 9 modules.


1) Certificate of Completion – for all students at the end of the course.

2) Certificate of Appreciation – for those who clear class test.

3) Letter of Internship – for those who submit the completed project.

Java 8 Certification Course Outline

Module 1 Java Introduction

History of Java, Java Features, Java Environment, Java Development Kit(JDK) , Java Runtime Environment (JRE),
Java API, Java Virtual Machine (JVM), Java Platforms Compiling and Running Java Programs.

Module 2 Java Fundamentals

Character Set, Comments, Keywords, Data Types, Identifiers(New rule from Java 9),
Variables, Constants and Number Systems - Decimal, Octal, Hexadecimal & Binary Number (from Java7)

Module 3 Operators

Arithmetic Operators (Integer, Modulus, Character and Compound), Relational Operators, Boolean Logical Operators and Bitwise Operators

Module 4 Type Conversion & Command Line Arguments

Type Conversion and Type Casting (Widening and Narrowing) How to access and Use Command Line Arguments

Module 5 Selection Statements

if, if-else, if-else if-else & switch

Module 6 Iteration Statements & Jump Statements

Iteration statements: while, do-while, for and for-each(from Java5)

Jump statements: break, continue, return and System.exit()

Module 7 Classes and Objects

Classes and Objects, State and Behavior, Encapsulation Naming Conventions and Access Modifiers.

Variables : Primitive, Reference, Instance and Local

Methods : Overloading & Static Methods

Module 8 Constructors & Parameter Passing

Constructors, Rules, DC and PC

Parameter Passing : primitives, references & variable arguments (from Java5)

Module 9 Input & Output

Java I/O: Input and Output Streams

InputStreamReader and BufferedReader : read() and readLine()

Math Class : sqrt(), sin() cos() etc.

Character Class : isLetter(), isDigit() etc.

PrintWriter Class : println(), print() & printf() and format() (from Java 5)

Console class (from Java 6) : readLine() and readPassword().

Module 10 Array

Java Arrays : Categories of Arrays (1D, 2D and Variable Dimension Array)

Arrays Class : sort() and binarySearch() (from Java 2)

Module 11 String

String Operartors, String Constructors and String Methods. Immutability in String.

Module 12 StringBuffer and StringBuilder

String vs/ StringBuffer vs StringBuilder, Constructors & Methods Chained Methods

Module 13 Tokenizing

split() and Scanner class (from Java

Module 14 Inheritance

Types of Inheritance: Single, Multilevel and Hierarchical IS-A and HAS-A Relationship

Polymorphism : Static and Dynamic. Method Overloading & Method Overriding

Module 15 Constructors in Inheritance

Constructor in subclasses, super() and this() usage.

Module 16 Normal and Polymorphic References

Reference Variable Casting: Generalization and Specialization

References : Data and Methods

Module 17 Abstract Classes and Interfaces

Abstract Classes: Defn and Rules for Using Abstract Classes

Interfaces: Defn and Rules for Using Interfaces Using extends and implements together.

Module 18 Interface Improvements

Interface Improvements:

Default methods in interface (from Java 8)

Static Methods in interface (from Java 8)

Functional Interface (from Java 8)

Lambda expression (from Java 8)

Private Methods (from Java 9)

Module 19 Exceptions

Exception and Exception handling:

Checked and Unchecked Exceptions, Exception Hierarchy

try-catch block, try with multiple catch block,

try with multi-catch (from Java 7)

finally block, throw and throws

Module 20 Assertions

Assertions: Usage, Enable and Disable Assertions (from Java 4)

Module 21 Packages

Packages: How to create and use , Rules for Packages, Nonstatic imports & Static imports (from Java 5)

Access Modifiers: private, public, protected & default

Module 22 Object Class

Object Class:

Methods of Object Class (toString(), equals() & hashCode()

Garbage Collection and finalize()

Module 23 Wrapper Class

Wrapper Classes:

Constructors and Methods, Autoboxing and Unboxing(from Java 5) , equals() and == in wrapper classes.

Overloading Method Matching with Widening, Autoboxing and Var-args.

Module 24 Collection – ArrayList

Collections Collection Framework, Generics & Collections utilities Class.

List - (ArrayList, Vector and LinkedList),

Module 25 Collection – Set, Map and Queue

Set - (HashSet, LinkedHashSet & TreeSet)

Map - (HashMap, Hashtable LinkedHashMap & TreeMap)

NavigableSet & NavigableMap (from Java 6)

Queue - (LinkedList , PriorityQueue & ArrayQueue)

Module 26 Collection Improvements

Comparable and Comparator (from Java 2)

Module 27 Stream (Java8)

How to Create Stream, Stream Pipeline Operations and collecting data from stream.

Module 28 Files

File: Constructors and Methods

Character Streams: FileReader and FileWriter BufferedReader, BufferedWriter and PrintWriter Chaining of I/O classes, try with resources(from Java 7)

Byte Streams: FileInputStream, FileOutputStream, DataInputStream, DataOutputStream, ObjectInputStream and ObjectOutputStream.

Serialization & Deserialization Steps Serialization and Inheritance

Module 29 File Improvements (Java 7 and Java 8)

java.nio.file package: - (from Java 7)

Use Path interface to operate on file and directory paths

Use Files class to check, read, delete of a file or directory

Files improvement to perform copy operations.

Files and Streams(from Java 8)

Module 30 Enums

Enums: Constructors , Methods and Rules (from Java 5)

Module 31 Threads

Thread Class, Constructors and Methods, Thread States and Transitions, Declaring and Instantiating Threads,

Threads using Anonymous class and using lambda expression (from Java 8) Preventing Thread from Execution

Module 32 Thread Synchronization and Interaction

Thread Locks and Synchronization, Race Condition & Thread Deadlocks.

Module 33 Concurrency


CopyOnWriteArrayList, CopyOnWriteArraySet and ConcurrentHashMap (from Java 5) java.util.concurrent.atomic: AtomicInteger (from Java 5)

Module 34 Formatters

Locale: Class ,Constructors and Methods

Number and NumberFormat : getInstance(), format() and parse()

Date, DateFormat : getInstance(), format() and parse()

SimpleDateFormat : creating new date formats.

Resource Bundle: Property Files, getBundle() and getString().

Module 35 Time Package

java.time package (from Java 8)

LocalDate : now() , of(), xxxYears(), xxxMonths(), xxxWeeks() & xxxDays() . (from Java 8)

LocalTime : now(), of(), xxxHours(), xxxMinutes(), xxxSeconds() & xxxNanos(). (from Java 8)

DateTimeFormatter : format() and parse() (from Java 8)

Module 36 Development and Deployment

Compiling with javac command , Launching applications with java command, Encapsulation, Coupling and Cohesion

Module 37 Swings

Java Foundation Classes (JFC), Swings - JFrame Constructors and Methods

Layout Managers : FlowLayout, BorderLayout and GridLayout

Components : JLabel, JButton, JTextField, JPasswordField, JRadioButton, JCheckBox, JDialogBox

Nested Classes: Member inner, Static nested, Local inner & Anonymous. (Java 2)

Events & Listeners: KeyBoard Events & WindowEvents.

Module 38 Jar

Jar files: creating, viewing and using. Manifest File.

Module 39 JDBC

JDBC Introduction, JDBC library, JDBC Architecture, JDBC Drivers, Connecting and Disconnecting to a Database

Loading the Driver: Class.forName(),DriverManager.registerDriver() and System.getProperty(). - getters and setters.

Table : Creation, Insertion, Selection, Updation, Deletion and Dropping.

Module 40 JDBC Statements & Transactions

JDBC Statements : Statement, PreparedStatement and CallableStatement

JDBC Transacations : Commits and Rollbacks

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